Power Max®: Environmentally Friendly AND Tough on Grime

Natural ingredients, biodegradable solvents, and non-toxic chemicals. The New Power Max® Hand Cleaner from Grime Eater® is everything you want in a cleaner; tough on grime and safe to use

Eco-friendly products are important. Over the years, we’ve learned just how much the products we use impact our environment (sometimes in a negative way), so using biodegradable, eco-friendly materials is essential as they help products break down naturally and more quickly compared to those made with synthetics.

Everything from fertilizers to food containers to cleaning products has (at some point) been made with materials that are not safe for the environment (or those of us living in it). That’s why Grime Eater®, a leader in the Canadian cleaning products industry, makes its products as clean and green as possible.

The Environmental Pros of Power Max® Hand Cleaner

Grime Eater has recently formulated one of their hand cleaners, Power Max®, specifically for the U.S. market. This professional strength hand cleaner is powerful enough to lift and remove urethane and other hard-to-clean grease and grime while being gentle on hands and the environment. Like most cleaners, Power Max is made up of three key components: solvents, surfactants, and scrubbers. What sets Power Max apart is that its three keys are all eco-friendly.

Plant-based solvent icon green textThe SOLVENTS in Power Max – like with all cleaners - break down the dirt and grime. The difference with Power Max is in the makeup of the solvents. To keep Power Max eco-friendly, its creators at Grime Eater use only naturally derived, non-toxic solvents. These solvents deliver high performance while being sustainable and plant-based (compared to many common petroleum-based solvents which are hard on the skin and unkind to the earth).

Power Max’s bio-based solvents are collected from non-food biomass like corn cob husks or the dry pulp from crushed sugar canes. These natural ingredients are non-toxic to aquatic life, non-flammable, and non-VOC.

Bio-degradable surfactant icon green textThe SURFACTANTS (the second key component) in Power Max hand cleaner allow water and oil to mix, lifting dirt, grease, and grime away from the skin. These chemical compounds are biodegradable and free of alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) which can disrupt the hormone system. They’re also low in VOC content and VOC emissions.

Natural Pumice scrubbers icon green textThe SCRUBBERS in Power Max are arguably the most natural of the three key components since the pumice used is volcanic rock! The mining of this rough-textured ingredient is also environmentally friendly because the rock is on (or very near) the surface of the earth in a looser form compared to other rocks and minerals that lie deeper underground. 

Every Drop Adds Up
Grime Eater Takes Great Pride in Being Eco-Friendly

“We try to be pro-active,” said Tracy Hayes, Grime Eater Vice President. “Our children live here, and our grandchildren will need to live here.” While the company is already a leader in green cleaning products, the thought of future generations is why Hayes and others at Grime Eater are looking to be even greener in the years to come.

It takes a lot of research, time, and energy to create a product that’s different – and better- than the rest. That investment is something Grime Eater takes great pride in. Its Power Max professional strength hand cleaner is fast-acting (a little goes a long way), Lanolin-free, and nut-free. It’s also environmentally safe and compliant with California’s Prop 65. (That last one, especially, is no easy task! But at Grime Eater, it’s challenge accepted.)

Prop 65 Compliant icon green text


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